Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mead, anyone?

I went to the farmer's market today after class to look for more potential wine bottle redesign candidates (by the way, Spain's section had by far the most well-designed bottles of all the countries in the wine aisle, why is this? I had trouble finding even one that needed to be redesigned).
I came across an interesting bottle of Honey Wine (Mead) and thought it would be a really fun project. Seeing as photography of any kind is strictly prohibited inside the market, I figured it would be just as easy to look up the wine online.
So apparently, this wine is so obscure (it's made in Germany and distributed from Florida), this is the only picture I could even find of it online (thank you, flickr). It'll have to do for now. I didn't want to buy it until I got some feedback. Do you guys think it'd be a good one to redesign? I think I could do a lot of fun typography with it.

It's the one next to the Dr. Pepper BBQ sauce.

1 comment:

  1. Andrea, I think that would be really cool. Isn't mead really old-fashioned? It should have a lot of history and a lot to work with.
